For the series digital art in public space: "The Naïf garden", video mapping projection created especially for Fresia garden at ZooArt Festival, Cuneo 2013. Soundtrack by Moderate Machine.
I built this enchanted garden basing myself on video-mapping technique, using Quartz Composer programming language, as well as, After Effects and MadMapper software.
Since the ZooArt festival takes place mainly in the dark, I thought about turning a part of the Fresia garden in a sort of virtual and interactive nocturne happening as a 'Live Painting', where the viewer is totally protagonist and associated with the creative process of the artwork itself, that is in constant transformation. In fact, through the audience’s voices it is possible redesign a new atmosphere, that comes alive through various digital patterns based on the "particle system" swarming in the real garden, they show cells, viruses, multi-cellular organisms, and various molecular forms.In the “Naïf Garden”, the interactivity carries the people through an emotional and learning journey where their subjectivity is put in question by the choices they constantly make throughout the artwork’s layers.
The “Naïf Garden” is part of the project “Live Architecture”, a series of site-specific interactive video installations and video mapping projects, I thought them up and created them in order to reshape architecture in public places, as well as interior environments and natural landscapes into something vibrant and lively. A dynamic place is always displayed within the multimedia installations - that's why I called it "Live" – since it moves independently, beyond its functionality.
Il giardino naïf è parte del progetto artistico Live Architecture: una serie di videoinstallazioni interattive site-specific pensate per riprogettare sinteticamente spazi architettonici oltre che il paesaggio naturale.
Le installazioni multimediali che ne derivano, mostrano luoghi dinamici – definiti da me “Live”.
Per ZOOart 2013 ho ideato un giardino incantato attraverso il videomapping, una tecnica di proiezione che consiste nel proiettare immagini in computer grafica su superfici reali, ottenendo spettacolari effetti di proiezione tridimensionale.
Un angolo dei giardini Fresia viene così trasmutato in una sorta di happening-live-painting notturno e interattivo in cui gli spettatori sperimentiamo fisicamente il concetto di opera in divenire. La nostra percezione visiva viene ingannata al punto da non permetterci di distinguere lo spazio reale, adorno di fiori e cespugli, dalla finzione, l’immagine fluttuante di un giardino fantastico abitato da cellule, virus, sorgenti d’acqua e colorati sistemi particellari.